# 프로그램과 프로젝트의 새로운 스타일
# 커버 안의 텍스쳐에 반투명 기능 지원
# 자체 사운드 엔진 탑재 (음장)
# 오디오 라이브러리의 새디자인
# 리플레이게인[각주:1] 지원
AIMP v3.00 Build 832 Beta 1 (05.02.2011) ========================================
* Localizations were updated
* Playlist: grouping by folders has been improved
* Audio Library: 'jump to current file' function has been improved
* Skins: Spectrum displays all frequencies
* Skins: compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved
* Skins: usability of the new playlist creation via Drag'n'Drop has been improved
* Skins: drawing speed has been improved
* Tag Editor: AutoTag by file name function has been improved
* Tag Editor: file renaming function is not case sensitive now
- Fixed: problem with WAV-DTS playback
- Fixed: bug on file playing with enabled caching to occure in some cases
- Fixed: if track has cover with high resolution then it stucks on switching
- Fixed: sound effects didn't resumed after the program restart
- Fixed: scroll buttons are not shown if context menu was out of screen bounds
- Fixed: sorting by %M template didn't work
- Fixed: incorrect device switching with stopped player
- Fixed: format of audio stream incorrectly detected for some radio stations
- Fixed: context menu display incorrectly on multi-monitor configuration
- Fixed: some CUE-sheet files parsed incorrectly
- Fixed: incorrect selection behavior with pressed Ctrl
- Fixed: incorrect behaviour of 'start playback on launching' function
- Fixed: incorrect control of some sound effects
- Fixed: some bugs with labels in Audio Library
- Fixed: player didn't switch to the previous track if cursor was at the beginning of the playlist
- Fixed: content-filters resets in Audio Library during the navigation by groups
- Fixed: small bugs
AIMP v3.00 Build 815 Beta 1 (30.12.2010) ========================================
* BASS Libraries were updated
* Updated localizations: Armenian, Bulgarian, Czech, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Ukrainian
* Skins: drawing speed has been improved
- Bugs were fixed
AIMP v3.00 Build 810 Beta 1 (20.12.2010) ========================================
+ Sound Engine: Our output system, BASS is used now only as decoder
+ Sound Engine: Added ASIO / WASAPI / Direct Sound support
+ Sound Engine: Extended track mixing options
+ Sound Engine: Added 5.1 / 7.1 Channels emulation
+ Sound Engine: Added DTS / TAK formats support
+ Sound Engine: Added OGG files support with multiple track inside
+ Sound Engine: Improved works with *.iso.wv / *.iso.ape files
+ Tags: Increased tags reading speed
+ Tags: Added reading / writing covers to OGG files
+ Tags: Added reading M4A / M4B / MP4 tags
+ Tags: Added reading / writing TTA / OFR / OFS tags
+ Skins: Added full support of semitransparent textures
+ Skins: Tray icon is now depends from skin
+ Skins: Added ability to create round sliders
+ Skins: Added ability to clon gauge and spectrum elements
+ Skins: Added ability to place playlist tabs vertically
+ Skins: Extended elements options
+ Player: New design
+ Player: Added ability of random switching visualizations
+ Player: Added ability to dock player with playlist to the screen edge
+ Player: Added ability to set alternative global hotkeys
+ Player: Added ability to pin player / playlist on the screen edge
+ Player: Expanded tracklist export options
+ Player: Improved options window
+ Player: Plugin manager was moved to options
+ Player: Extented running line animation options
* Player: Main window now isn't frozen on file moving to removable device
+ Playlist: Added "Single playlist mode"
+ Playlist: Added ability to lock playlist from changes
+ Playlist: Added ability to disable auto expanding files by CUE
+ Playlist: Added ability to set individual settings for every playlist
+ Playlist: Added %Up(), %Low(), %Caps(), %Replace() and %Char() macroses
+ Playlist: Categories - Added optional separating template
+ Playlist: Categories - Added ability to expand / collapse them
+ Playlist: Categories - Added information about size and duration
+ Playlist: Categories now couldn't be separated into few parts
* Playlist: "Send to..." - Now you can rename by template options
* Playlist: "Send to..." - Added ability to copy additional files with main files
+ Queue Manager: Added track duration to the table
+ Queue Manager: Added information about total duration of all tracks in the queue
+ Queue Manager: Double-click on track will focus it in the playlist
+ Radio Capture: Added ability to capture stream "as is" (only for MP3 / AAC / AAC+)
+ Radio Capture: Added ability to make CUE sheet file
+ Radio Capture: Extended file split options - by time / by size
+ CoverArt Downloader: Cache previous search results
+ CoverArt Downloader: Cover search now doesn't begin immediately after window shown
+ LastFM Scrobbler: Now works directly with the service
+ LastFM Scrobbler: Scrobbling track from internet radio
+ InfoBar: Added ability to adjust background transparency
+ InfoBar: Added ability to display track cover art
+ Internet Radiostation Catalogue: Added tab "Favourite"
+ Internet Radiostation Catalogue: Integrated to audio library
+ Scheduler: Added smooth volume increasing
+ Icon Library: Added ability to set icon for each format
+ Tag Editor: Renaming one file - now highlight only file name
+ Tag Editor: Renaming by template: added confirmation dialog if file names match
+ Tag Editor: Renaming by template - added ability to work with copy of the file
+ Tag Editor: Added columns: Bitrate / Duration / ID3v1 / ID3v2 / APE / WMA / Vorbis
+ Tag Editor: Field "Track Number / Track Count" was devided into two fields
+ Tag Editor: ReplayGain - added ability to enter values manually
+ Tag Editor: ReplayGain - added ability to autocalculate values
+ Audio Library: Implemented as independent application
+ Audio Library: Quick content filtering among columns values
+ Audio Library: Added ability to group by any columns
+ Audio Library: Added ability to sort on several columns at once
+ Audio Library: Added labels support
+ Audio Library: Added report generation - total duration, favourite artist / album / genre
+ Audio Library: Added ability to filter files by size or/and duration before adding to database
+ Audio Library: Disk number now used for groupping by albums
+ Audio Library: ID3v2.4 separators support
+ Audio Library: Added ability to hide grouping window
AIMP3 버전 : v3.00 Build 832 Beta 1 업데이트 일자 : 2011.02.05 지원 OS : Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
<AIMP3 설치 방법>
0. 첨부된 파일을 다운받은 후, 압축을 해제한다. 그 후 aimp_3.00.832_beta_1.exe파일을 실행한다.
1. 설치 시작 시 언어를 설정할 수 있는데, 우선, 아무거나 선택해도 상관없다. 한글을 별도로 설정할 수 있기 때문이다.
2. AIMP3 설치마법사가 시작되었다. 새로워진 디자인을 살짝 볼 수 있다.
3. AIMP의 엔드유저 라이센스를 볼 수 있다. agree에 체크하고 Next로 넘어가자.
4. 설치 위치를 선택할 수 있다. 기본 경로는 \Program Files\AIMP3
5. 이전 베타버전을 사용했다면 업데이트로 진행할 수 있고, 새로 설치한다면 별도로 묻지 않을 것이다.
6. 설치할 내용물을 정할 수 있다. 다 설치해도 상관없다.
7. 이제 AIMP3의 언어를 설정할 수 있다. 처음에 고른 언어가 기본으로 체크되고 나머지 잡다한 언어가 체크되어 있을 것이다. 여기에서 Korea만 찾아 체크하고 나머지는 해제해놓으면 된다. 물론 다른언어를 설치하고 싶다면 같이 체크하면 된다. 이전 버전인 aimp 3.00.815 beta1에선 AMP3 한글패치를 별도로 해줘야 했지만, 현재 버전부터는 편히 설치할 수 있다.
8. 바로가기 아이콘을 만들 것인지 설정할 수 있다. 이후 Next를 누르면 설치가 진행된다.
9. AIMP3의 설치가 완료되었다. 달라진 모습을 보기위해 실행해보도록 하자.
10. 달라진 디자인을 볼 수 있다. 얼핏 보기엔 별 다른 점이 없어보이나, 바뀐 점이 꽤 많으니 한번쯤 쭉 살펴보길 권한다.
리플레이 게인은 2001년에 제안된 음량 표준화 방식으로, MP3나 Ogg 등의 소리의 인지적 음량을 평준화하기 위한 수단이다. 트랙이나 앨범을 기준으로 작동한다. 표준에서는 Replay Gain으로 명칭을 표기하고 있지만 Replaygain이나 replaygain으로 적기도 한다. 줄여서 RG로 표시하기도 한다. [본문으로]